Couchsurfers and Travel Bloggers

This happened a few weeks ago or maybe a month already. I just didn’t have the urge to post but because I was tagged in a post yesterday, finally I have photos to grab and I have good data signal at an overpass early in the morning,  so here it goes. 

They say, in couchsurfing, there will always be a person attached to a place as it was for the person I hosted (which I’m unaware of prior), Mayan from Cebu. 

She works at Cebruery which sells craft beers. She and her friends were at Tatlong Pulo at Guimaras before they separated and she couchsurfed at my place. She had staff training for Gastropub and Farm to Table.

We didn’t have much time together on the first day but since I’m off the next day, I attended the staff training and learned about craft beers myself and shared a sumptuous (expensive but free) meal with her at Farm to Tables. Wished I had that kind of job with such perks. Haha! 

Highlight of this couchsurfing experience was when I was introduced to Mayan’s friends. I met Marky Ramone Go, travel blogger of Nomadic Experiences, who is staying with Summer Solstice, a profile I just saw in couchsurfing before. If Mayan is Cebu, I think Miss Riza (her name) is Iloilo. 

Mayan hosted a lot in Cebu, and she and her mom hosted house parties. Miss Riza had a lair, hehe, for couchsurfers and it was A-mazing for a person like me. 

We had a simple supper and they had a few drinks. And we, no, they talked about travel stuff. 

Also with us are Miss Sam on a vacation here from UK, one of Mayan’s friends who’s with her in Guimaras. And… 

Marcos Caratao of Explore Iloilo. I know he’s my senior at WVSU but I didn’t have the chance to meet him personally especially now that he’s popular for his website. 

And so they were talking about their travel experiences, going to India, if they had been to Morocco, where you should go in this particular place and all of that. 

I have nothing to share but I have nothing against that really. I just love hearing their stories. These stories and these people, they inspired me to pursue my dreams of traveling.

With starstruck moments and just chill, carefree conversations, definitely one of the things I’m thankful I am into couchsurfing.