Recreational Farm Hopping: Jade Energetic Farm and Ephrathah Farm

Pototan and nearby towns were more of agricultural towns. It only makes sense that we compensate with inland resorts and recreational farms because we don’t have beaches to explore and mountains to climb.

Within Pototan, we have Happy Farm and Mapols Farm. But this Holy Week, my sister and her friends went to Jade Energetic Farm and Ephrathah Farm in Badiangan, Iloilo. They went there by  motorcycles, which was about 20-40 minutes (my sister’s estimate) from our town.  These two destinations were near each other. There were also plenty of signage directing you there, according to my sister, so you will not get lost.

If you’re from Iloilo, you can take the Badiangan jeep at Ungka Terminal. Sorry, got no idea about the fare.

Ephrathah Farm

Rates are as follows:

Here’s a link to their website if you want to check more of their facilities: Ephrathah Farms

Jade Energetic Farm

Rates are as follows:

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