Category: graphic design

Good Art Ain’t Cheap: Dissecting Never Not Love You from an Amateur Freelance Graphic Artist’s View

Disclaimer 1: No, this post is not a critique of the art as seen in the movie or of the movie in general. I don’t even know what point I am making in creating this post. Probably, to see the worth of freelancers. Or this might just be a random rambling.

Disclaimer 2: I guess I can call myself a freelance graphic artist because I earn from making digital art, so yeah.  I’m just speaking from an amateur’s point of view. So, if there is anything I’ve said about the freelance graphic design world that was in any way not true or partly untrue, then, please, enlighten me.

Watched Never Not Love You. Triggered by a scene where Joanne’s father sort of devalued Gio’s being a freelance graphic designer, living on just gigs. Had a conversation just recently explaining what exactly I am doing working as a freelancer currently. Piece these all together and here’s what I came up with. Continue reading “Good Art Ain’t Cheap: Dissecting Never Not Love You from an Amateur Freelance Graphic Artist’s View”

Three Life Principles

Adulting is hard. You are forced to navigate life and move forward even though you can’t really grasp the why and what for of it. It leaves you confused, distracted, and depressed most of the times.

I recently found my Mind Map notebook where I just jot down ideas and thoughts that come up in my head every now and then. One page is this:

I didn’t really force myself to establish life principles. I guess, as I went through life, I just tried to learn from past experiences and hope that I live my life meaningfully with these principles I set for myself as guide. Continue reading “Three Life Principles”