Category: Productivity

How To Follow Through With Your New Year’s Resolution

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I admit that I’m not the best person to give you tips on this because I’m not really the type to list down New Year’s resolution and stick to it. But I guess, as someone who doesn’t really stick to New Year’s resolutions, I can give you tips from my experience what worked for me.

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Respark Challenge 2018: Reflections and Learnings

Monologue to self: You created this blog to share thoughts on productivity but a year had gone now, you only had one productivity post. You’re indeed lazy.

Respark Challenge 2018 is a short mini course by Arriane Serafico of The Purposeful Creative. It’s a 5-day challenge wherein the participants called “resparkers” follow an everyday prompt, simple things that can be done for about 15 minutes or less to avoid excuses of being busy or having no time to do it. Continue reading “Respark Challenge 2018: Reflections and Learnings”

Good Art Ain’t Cheap: Dissecting Never Not Love You from an Amateur Freelance Graphic Artist’s View

Disclaimer 1: No, this post is not a critique of the art as seen in the movie or of the movie in general. I don’t even know what point I am making in creating this post. Probably, to see the worth of freelancers. Or this might just be a random rambling.

Disclaimer 2: I guess I can call myself a freelance graphic artist because I earn from making digital art, so yeah.  I’m just speaking from an amateur’s point of view. So, if there is anything I’ve said about the freelance graphic design world that was in any way not true or partly untrue, then, please, enlighten me.

Watched Never Not Love You. Triggered by a scene where Joanne’s father sort of devalued Gio’s being a freelance graphic designer, living on just gigs. Had a conversation just recently explaining what exactly I am doing working as a freelancer currently. Piece these all together and here’s what I came up with. Continue reading “Good Art Ain’t Cheap: Dissecting Never Not Love You from an Amateur Freelance Graphic Artist’s View”

3 Benefits of Being a Transcriptionist

A transcriptionist, or a transcriber, is someone who listens to an audio and types whatever is being said. And no, you’re not typing while listening to a live call unlike what most people who asked me what type of job is it thinks. It’s a recorded audio. I think it’s a simple job, you listen, you type. Done.

I like being a transcriptionist because I think it’s a lazy job, and I have plenty of lazy days. But before any transcriber/transcriptionist reacts negatively to this, it’s just my thought, but of course, you know the truth about this type of work. It’s lazy but it’s strenuous—in the mind, eyes and fingers. Continue reading “3 Benefits of Being a Transcriptionist”

The Entire History of My Blogging

After years, I opened my Blogger blog again, not this one, but my very first personal blog. I guess I owe it to my subscription to Arriane Serafico‘s newsletter. No, that’s not an affiliate link you got there. I genuinely want to share the benefits of following her.

That particular newsletter is about the New Year. We usually write resolutions over and over and get depressed about not achieving our goals the previous year. What she encouraged to better do is to start with looking back at your 2017 wins.

I thought, then, aside from my longest long-term travel (just almost a month), creating this website last year was one of my top wins. Humans my age were buying gadgets, buying houses, creating families and babies. For my 27th birthday, I gifted myself a domain and started my blog. Continue reading “The Entire History of My Blogging”

Tips For Bazaar First Time Sellers

“Kasadya gali mag-bazaar.” I overheard someone from a nearby booth said when we joined another bazaar event a few days ago. They were, I assume, a group of friends selling their preloved items. Yes, I agree it’s fun especially with a few bloopers along the way but with the fun comes some strategic (lol) planning, physical exertion and marketing among the other things to consider.

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My Little Beach Retreat and some Boredom = Creativity + Productivity experiment

Manoush Zomorodi, on one of her TED talks, encouraged people to “love being bored.” She mentioned about a one-week challenge she designed, Bored and Brilliant, wherein you are given a simple challenge everyday involving ignoring your phone, challenges such as deleting a very important app in your life and having a photo-free day among others. Here’s an excerpt of her talk towards the end of it:

“So the next time you go to check your phone,remember that if you don’t decide how you’re going to use the technology, the platforms will decide for you. And ask yourself: What am I really looking for? Because if it’s to check email, that’s fine — do it and be done. But if it’s to distract yourself from doing the hard work that comes with deeper thinking, take a break, stare out the window and know that by doing nothing you are actually being your most productive and creative self. It might feel weird and uncomfortable at first, but boredom truly can lead to brilliance.”

Manoush Zomorodi speaks at TED2017 – The Future You, April 24-28, 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Photo: Bret Hartman / TED

It was very timely that I stumbled upon this TED talk when I was planning a trip to Tatlong Pulo, Guimaras. Aside from #BEACHgoals, I just wanted to take a break from social media so that I have time to do some other things and actually finish them. Since I’ve been there twice already, I figured it’s the perfect place for this “experiment” because there’s no electricity. Continue reading “My Little Beach Retreat and some Boredom = Creativity + Productivity experiment”

BAZAAR-ing: Productivity Sesh With My Sis and other realizations

My sister and I, we admit within ourselves that we are true blue hoarders. We think it’s one of the reasons why our mother would always scold us having a “forest” as a bedroom, or at times a “garbage dump” bedroom. We have an impulse to buy unnecessary stuff and have issues of letting go… of material stuff.

And so, garage sales and bazaars appealed to us because of the opportunity to make money out of our bad habit. The first time we joined an event was four years ago, I think. I was still working as an English tutor for Koreans. I happened to see a tarpaulin for a garage sale and despite hesitation every now and then, I eventually inquired and had my co-teachers join in with me. Continue reading “BAZAAR-ing: Productivity Sesh With My Sis and other realizations”